Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Inquiry Plan 3rd Post! :)

Shewweee!! I'm done..... Needless to say once you see my video you will really get to see a very "limited" portion of my inquiry plan. Due to time constraints, I was really creative in ensuring that you got to see the "meat and potatoes" of my plan. In my video, you are able to see the first group of students that I worked with. Those student's, a majority of them, are on alternative assessment. These students have very limited recall and have difficulty comprehending the text read in class. When instructing to this group, I am more interested in the basics of the text. Do they know the main characters? Can they recall basic information from the text? You will be able to tell that I used error correction when guiding student's to the answers to questions. I did my best to ensure that the student's had an opportunity to be correct. Although the audio is very poor, I asked one student after we had discussed that the main character needed a hammer to fix the roof why the main character needed a hammer. Her reply, "to put a picture on the wall?"..As you can see there is a lot of repetition and basic recall.

When looking at group 2, you can see that we move at a much faster pace. We did very little recalling information from previous day's reading. Students answered guided notes with the help of the document camera for spelling correction. In the second part of this same video you can see that the student's are engaged in a reading group. I wanted to show the video how we normally conducted class before the implementation of this inquiry plan. We used small group instruction to read and student's answered questions. In the reading group, students volunteered to be the lead reader for the day. All students are not very strong readers but there has been a very positive environment created with these group of students and they are very comfortable around each other. You can see in the video when the student was not able to properly pronounce a word in the text that someone else would help them. However, there was only limited time to fit everything into the video.

This plan really turned out how I had hoped it would. This particular group was great to try something like this with. They are a very diverse group of student's and the plan really went well in the classroom. All students were very nervous to be videotaped and you can see when you watch the video that a couple of students are aspiring starts. They keep making eye contact with the camera (haha). This plan will continue to be used in my room, and I hope that through continued modification it can only enhance instruction in the room and hopefully incorporate those lower learners into the reading groups.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that you have found this to be successful. I know what you mean about only giving us a snap shot- I know it is hard to capture everything in such a small time frame- thanks for being flexible. I am glad to hear that this will continue to impact your instruction beyond the inquiry plan.
